Schoology Plus

A web extension that enhances your Schoology experience
with numerous interface improvements

Manifest V3 Beta Test

Welcome to the Schoology Plus Manifest V3 beta test! This beta test is a test of the new version of Schoology Plus that uses the new Manifest V3 extension format. This new format is required by Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge, and will eventually be required by all Chromium-based browsers.

The extension has been substantially rewritten to use this new format, and as a result, there may be some bugs. Your job as a beta tester is to use the extension as normal and report any bugs you find!

Joining the Beta

You must meet the following requirements to join the beta test:

To join the Beta test, you will need to install the beta version of Schoology Plus. To do this, follow these steps:

An image showing how to install the beta version of Schoology Plus

  1. Find the latest pre-release version on the Schoology Plus Github page
  2. Go to the “Assets” section of the latest pre-release and download the .zip file that corresponds to your browser
  3. Extract the contents of the .zip file to a folder on your computer
  4. Open your browser’s extension settings page (for Chrome, go to chrome://extensions/ and for Edge, go to edge://extensions/)
  5. Make sure to DISABLE the stable version of Schoology Plus if you have it installed by toggling the switch in the bottom right corner of the extension card
  6. Enable developer mode in your browser
    • In Chrome, click the toggle switch in the top right corner of the page
    • In Edge, click the toggle switch in the bottom left corner of the page
  7. Click the “Load unpacked” button in the top left corner of the page
    • On Edge, this button may appear in the top-middle of the page
  8. Select the folder that you extracted the .zip file to
  9. The beta version of Schoology Plus should now be installed in your browser
  10. Open Schoology and make sure that the beta version is working correctly

An image showing how to enable developer mode and load unpacked extensions in Chrome

If you have any issues with these steps, please ask for help in the #support or #support-forum channel on the Schoology Plus Discord server.

Using the Beta

As soon as you install the beta version of Schoology Plus, the extension should be active and you should be able to use it as normal. You should see a β icon in the top left corner of your Schoology page indicating that you are using the beta version.

All features of the extension should work as normal, however your settings are not shared between the stable and beta versions of the extension. This means that you will need to re-enable any features that you had enabled in the stable version of the extension.

Your Job as a Tester

As a beta tester, your main job is to use Schoology as normal and find and report any bugs! What’s a bug? Good question! Here are some examples of things that are and are not bugs:

Things that ARE bugs

Things that ARE NOT bugs

How to Report Bugs

An image showing how to submit a Discord post

Please report bugs in the #support-forum channel on the Schoology Plus Discord server. When reporting a bug, please create a new post and tag it with the “🥉 Manifest V3” tag.

Please include the following information in your bug report:

Please also look to see if the bug has already been reported before creating a new post. If it has, please add a comment on the existing post to indicate that you have experienced the same issue.

Information about the version and browser can be easily copied from the “View Debug Info” button in Schoology Plus settings.

An image showing how to view debug info in Schoology Plus

Leaving the Beta

If you would like to leave the beta test, you can do so by uninstalling the beta version of Schoology Plus and re-enabling the stable version. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Open your browser’s extension settings page
    • For Chrome, go to chrome://extensions/
    • For Edge, go to edge://extensions/
  2. Find the beta version of Schoology Plus in the list of installed extensions
  3. Click the “Remove” button to uninstall the beta version
  4. Make sure to ENABLE the stable version of Schoology Plus if you have it installed by toggling the switch to “on” in the bottom right corner of the extension card

Thank You

Thank you for participating in the Schoology Plus Manifest V3 beta test! Your feedback is invaluable in helping to improve the extension for all users. If you have any questions or need help, please don’t hesitate to ask in the #support or #support-forum channel on the Schoology Plus Discord server.